Sunday, March 25, 2012

I made cheese!

As part of the 2012 Urban Farm Handbook Challenge I made cheese!  I was amazed at how easy it was to make and how delicious it is!

I used the Lemon Cheese recipe posted on the Eating Rules site.  The hardest part was finding organic milk that wasn't ultra-pasteurized.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to so I used just a regular pasteurized (not ultra) milk.

A few lemons, sliced and ready to go...

Little did I know how long it would take the milk to heat to 175 degrees F.

The aroma of the milk as it heated was unbelievable!  I'm made pudding from "scratch" before and I always thought the aroma was from a combination of the sugar and vanilla.  I was wrong!  The out-of-this-world aroma is from the milk alone!

Finally!  175o!  I removed the pan from the burner (electric stove) and quickly added the lemon.  A few quick stirs and...

It's already starting to curdle.  15 minutes later I drained off the whey...

And hung it out to dry...

The finished product was amazing!  I was in such a rush to try it I didn't even think to put it in an attractive bowl for the picture!  And now it's too late!  It's gone!

I will definitely be making more!

Looking forward to the April gardening challenge.  I'm thinking of growing squash in 5 gallon pails to give myself more room in my small garden.

At Home on the Range

by Margaret Yardley Potter, forward by Elizabeth Gilbert, forthcoming from McSweeney's in May 2012,

Can't wait to read this!  Sounds like its a great book!