Sunday, April 29, 2012

Patty Pan Pails

Every summer we try to make it up to Madison, WI, at least once to attend the Dane County Farmer's Market.  My favorite item to buy is patty pan squash.  I love to slice it, add some fresh thyme, and saute it in olive oil.  I can (and normally do) make a meal of it!

For the past two years I've looked for patty pan seeds.  I've only found them in seed catalogs.  Since I normally don't order my seeds I was hesitant to place an order for just a couple packets of seeds.  Imagine my delight when I ran across seeds at Farm & Fleet!  Not only did they have one kind they had two!  Both yellow and white!

Now, the next problem is I don't have a real big garden.  I've been reading quite a bit about container gardens so off we went to Menard's and bought four, 5 gallon pails, river rock, potting soil, and top soil.

Keith (hubby), who is not into gardening, was excited (kind of) to help with the Patty Pan Pails while I took pictures!

First step, he drilled holes for drainage.

Next step, adding the river rock.

Followed by the potting soil and top soil

And we're ready to plant!  Since we had four pails I decided to try a pail of acorn squash and a pail of zucchini along with the patty pans.

A little water.

Now all we need are some warm sunny days!

Update, one week later, April 29, no seedlings yet.