Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Getting the Itch

As I sit here at my kitchen window watching the snow come down, the first few inches of an expected 9 inches, my mind goes to my garden. 

My garden last summer was a disappointment.  Even though I watered daily, the heat and the drought got the best of it. 

My patty pan pails were a bust.  They started out strong but quickly went downhill.  I think I should have moved them so they didn't get so much sun.  I won't be planting them in the pails this year.  I'll be planting them in the garden.

I haven't given up on the pails.  I just need to figure out what to plant in them.  I saw where Burpee Seeds has seeds for container sweet corn .  Sounds like a real possibility.

Through work I signed up for a CSA.  Since its just hubby and I at home now I signed up for a half-share. This may slightly change what I plant in the garden.  I still plan on tomatoes and green beans.  I use these to stock the freezer.  With 9 inches of snow on top of the 6 inches we got last week I think I'll have time to make up my mind.